Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Denise Milani Frontal


Credo che l’idea di andare a vivere per un breve periodo in una città straniera, impararne la lingua e confrontarsi con una cultura diversa dalla propria sia molto affascinante per tutti. L’erasmus è il progetto that allows university students to spend a period abroad. The 'ERASMUS experience is a unique and unforgettable experience that changes your life and' rich. Erasmus is independence, growth, freedom, and of course pure fun. These are certainly good reasons to decide to leave their country and spend a fairly long period in a foreign land, where climate, language, people, places, in short, everything is unknown. That makes it a little 'fear, but the real difficulties of such an experience are not sure changes in who goes in because let's face Erasmus has a great desire to change! • What is

Erasmus program and how it works • How to participate

• What are the favorite destinations for Erasmus students
• Palermo

What is the Erasmus program and how it works
The Erasmus (European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students), founded in 1987 by the European Community, is an exchange program that involves more than the countries of the 'European Union (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia, Ungheria) anche i Paesi dello Spazio Economico Europeo (Norvegia, Islanda, Liechtenstein) ed altri Paesi Associati (Turchia). Il progetto erasmus offre la possibilità, agli studenti universitari di questi Paesi, di trascorrere un periodo di studi significativo in un altro Paese per un periodo che va dai 3 ai 12 mesi e di ricevere il pieno riconoscimento degli esami sostenuti nell’università ospitante. Durante questi mesi infatti gli studenti seguono regolarmente le lezioni e svolgono gli esami. L’ Unione Europea da ad ogni studente una borsa di studio di circa 170euro al mese,alla quale va aggiunto il contributo della propria facoltà, che varia da università ad università. la borsa da inoltre la possibilità to play a language course before the course, the faculty host. Since 1987 more than one million students through the Erasmus program, conducted a study period abroad. How to participate

First you need to remember that they can participate in the project all university students enrolled in second and subsequent years. Interested students may submit their application to the appropriate office of your university and participate in the selection. To this end, you should complete the application form indicating the locations in order of preference, attach a photocopy of the book and an interview in the language of the country host. Applications will be reviewed by a committee which will select students who will be awarded scholarships.

What are the favorite destinations for students?
Among the favorite destinations for Italian students for university exchanges are: Spain, France, Germany and the UK. But we see the number of students who choose Italy for their own period of study abroad. Country of origin No.
incoming students in
Italy Spain Germany 1857 5291

France 1.642
Polonia 824
Portogallo 771
Regno Unito 658
Romania 466
Belgio 443
Austria 426
Ungheria 272
Paesi Bassi 270
Grecia 265
Turchia 209
Repubblica Ceca 193
Finlandia 178
Svezia 133
Lituania 105
Irlanda 87
Norvegia 80
Slovenia 76
Slovacchia 73
Danimarca 68
Malta 57
Bulgaria 51
Estonia 50 29

Latvia Luxembourg 6 Cyprus 7

Iceland 3 Liechtenstein 1

total 14,591


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