Sunday, May 18, 2008

How Long Will Gingerbread Dough

The Trinity secret existence

"Un solo Dio in tre Persone", così noi cerchiamo di definire la Trinità. Ma appena lo circoscrivi, Dio evade.
Non sta in ardite formule teologiche, egli è una manifestazione vitale da accogliere come il segreto del vivere.
Il dogma della Trinità porta con sé ben più che dei concetti, esprime una dimensione esistenziale: è rivelazione the secret of life, source of wisdom to exist.
A wisdom about birth, sul'amore. He says that God is not in itself alone, but communion. The ocean of life vibrates in an infinite movement of love. In him there is reciprocity, exchange, surpassing oneself, hug, party. So we created in the image of God, yes, but even more specifically shaped in the likeness of the Creator, his hands tangled in the thick of life, in the image of the Son, capable of love like no one in the image of the Spirit, which is always more than wind, fire always burning. A similarity of these three things together is that Adam, not only in God's image, but more amazing still, the image of Father and Son and Holy Spirit in the likeness of the whole Trinity. A Word of God says in the beginning of our identity: it is not good that man should be alone!
In us, the good heart is a plural. Indeed, "God can not be alone." To say the Trinity is to say love, sweet dreams that are not ours to lose heart.
Without love no chair may announce God's love To say man is prophesying, said the report. Solitary, the man is sick, if you isolate, dies. "The Bible is not God who is anthropomorphic, but it is the man who is theomorphic, in the form of God (von Rad).
Our identity is thus Trinitarian life crossed by a life that comes from before us and beyond us. Who holds the life itself, by itself suppresses God so loved the world that He gave His Son. These are the words spring to explain the history, here's the secret, the wisdom of life: to love amounts to give.
World beloved, beloved land, I loved you, God eternally does nothing but consider the man, any man more important than himself. Then comes the donor, sowing Christ in us as yeast, salt, gem, light, seed. And the Spirit brings to fruition the grain of the world, the divine seed in us, brings him to level with your heart. A heart that lives intent of communion.


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