Friday, October 8, 2010

Völkl C 10 Xtended


Rome, Sunday, May 15, 2010, 18:00
Because it was not far from home and I had a couple of Oretta available, I went curious to showcase Ivan Cattaneo at Fnac. After going through the crowd buzzing with impatience, typical of the useless and annoying Sunday afternoon at the mall, I come finally to the conference room. I sit and follow
first interview and then the live performance of a dozen songs. In the end, we instinctively closer to each other about the same time. With a spontaneity now very rare - and therefore all the more sweet-Ivan declared himself a great admirer of the ballet. He immediately said that he saw us live in the early '70s, which was struck by my image and that he still remembered my long hair dyed blond and glamorous attire. Consult the next day my legendary diaries (which start from 1971, come so far and will continue ...) and based on his memories, abbiamo poi dedotto che fu un concerto a Borno in provincia di Brescia il 22 luglio del '73 (il Balletto si sarebbe sciolto nel settembre successivo). Poi ha aggiunto di aver letto in rete il mio articolo sulla deludentissima esibizione di Patty Pravo al festival
di Sanremo 2009 con ospite nientemeno che il genio Todd Rundgren, per niente valorizzato. Abbiamo scambiato opinioni sulla musica e soprattutto sulla squallida e triste realtà di questi ultimi anni, rigurgitanti di immondi neo-moralismi (neo?..) e censure che fin dagli Anni '70 e per il resto della nostra vita abbiamo tanto combattuto stando sempre in prima linea. Mi ha presentato ai suoi amici e musicisti del gruppo come "un pezzo di
storia del rock italiano, il primo a fare quello che all others have done after years in the field of music, and provocative image, one of my teachers ...". I very much appreciated, considering that he was right among the very first to do some daring artistic experimentation, certain choices "break" with honesty and courage, and for this I have always respected and admired without hesitation. Unlike so many vile and petty
people who live a life full of lies and cover-or perhaps even worse! - adjusting to head down to the current race for the disgusting and hypocritical "moral standards", the "normalization" by denying their past and themselves without flinching, without shame, because today the ... "agree" So, Renato Zero on his head, especially after the latest crazy and hilarious statements ("I love women, I have always loved only women ..."). Yes, yes, of course,
right! The gruesome as harmless hybrid between Raffaella Carra and Sora Lella has now irretrievably ... "Sbrocco," to use a term that would use him. But back to Ivan. It 's a very versatile artist. Sympathetic to the nth degree, with a brilliant sense of humor, a volcano of creativity. Sure, musically we have different styles and languages, but not mutually exclusive. He, in fact, early in his career had inspired the songs of pure rock, new wave and even punk. On the other hand, I prefigurai anticipai and a return to the Years '60 quando registrai, già nel '79, una mia versione di Piangi con me dei Rokes, pubblicata nell'80 come retro del 45 gg. "Strada" e inserita nell'album Monitor dell'81. A fine intervista, ha cantato alcune cover, fra le quali Amore disperato di Nada (per me una delle canzonette più sciocche e insulse dell'intera discografia italiana di tutti i tempi - sorry, Ivan!), Una zebra a pois di Mina (davvero una canzone folle e surreale per l'epoca!), Geghegé di Rita Pavone, Kobra di Rettore, oltre al suo Polisex.
Ci siamo scambiati i rispettivi recapiti. Abbiamo fatto foto insieme. Mi ha proposto una "collaborazione" non meglio approfondita. Una curiosità: non molti ricordano che la PFM partecipò alla realizzazione Superivan of his album of '79. In that regard, I found that during the recording had to struggle hard to rein in the long-winded and bombastic outbursts - typical of a progressive - which sometimes Cioccio, Pagani & Co. tended instinctively. In that album appears sublimely perverse Male Handsome, well then reinterpreted by a song "cattaneeggiante" Patty Pravo and included in its Munich album, also released in '79 (remember those !...). Then he gave me his latest CD of covers of '80s songs. I, in my turn, the DVD of the ballet, which has now appreciated the form reproduced on the cover, one of my works. Be ', not for nothing that we both graduated from art school ... Not ci perderemo di vista. Infatti ci stiamo scambiando e-mail quotidianamente, a raffica, a valanga. Intanto godetevi questo suo divertentissimo filmato del '95, versione "Bona-Vox".


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