Monday, November 29, 2010

Cheats For Gpsphone Ruby Any Pokemon


Gli occhi della gente mi strisciano addosso e giorno dopo day I wasting:
as rain and wind work patiently and inexorably erode the barrel of
marble columns of an ancient temple and erase forever the features to the ancient statues.

People's eyes slither over me and spoil me, day after day: like rain and wind,
They patiently and inexorably erodes the stems of the marble columns of an ancient temple
and forever erase the features of the Millenary statues. Gianni Leone

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ikusa Otome Suvia / Ikusa Suviaonline


more on "PROG EXHIBITION" IN ROME, impressions, reports and comments from fans who have spoken at numerous concert. Satisfied, the frequency was a "fine tuning, a" plug-in "direct, real connection, a route Molecular and skin that has enchanted fans and underlined the importance of the event and the wonder of the artists who have performed. "It 'was pure energy," says Paul as Noro, a member of the CSPI (Center for Progressive Studies Italian) "It was full of people, perhaps 4,000 people, an atmosphere with strong, vibrant and engaging. I liked all the musicians who participated on the international ones such as Jan Anderson and This Van Leer, the columns of the Italian prog like Banco, PFM, Le Orme's Osanna di Lino Vairetti, sempre attivo e dinamico nella promozione di eventi di questo spessore. "Gianni è stato straordinario!" continua Paolo. "Il suo ingresso sul palco ha infiammato la platea, era in "formissima" (per usare un termine atletico-sportivo);
dopo il rituale lancio delle sue ricette ha aggredito le tastiere ed anche la terra sotto i piedi... emanava musica". Marianna invece con le sue parole fa vibrare le corde della sensibilità. "...Un concerto favoloso...Gianni è radioso, un look straordinario." Marianna osserva le foto del concerto"...C'è una foto in cui Gianni sembra davvero felice... è raro vederlo così. Anche la volta che l'ho visto suonare a Sorrento,  è stato veramente eccezionale; in a few minutes left everyone speechless. We were speechless. John took the stage ... and the world stood still for a moment to listen to this incredible man who has the ability to transform music into something supernatural. The people who played with him seemed as if they were gone ... there was only Gianni Leone. After the concert, after the usual chat about the evening, I was struck by the very fact that he did not feel satisfied and I looked incredulous when I told him that was very good. Gianni is always fun to play and never seems sad in public, is available now with all smiling ... ... ... ironic kind. But I believe that behind his multifaceted artistic e alle sue perle di saggezza che dispensa a tutti in
modo straordinario e goliardico, riesce a nascondere la sua sofferenza...forse
mi sbaglierò....".  No cara Marianna, non ti sbagli perchè l'artista, è colui che ci offre una nuova visione, ci apre la porta su qualcosa che è già in noi ma che non siamo in grado di percepire, di vedere. Spesso neppure l'artista riesce a razionalizzare tale nuova visione, è qui che interviene la critica che ci fa da tramite, ma allora l'artista produce inconsapevolmente arte? E' uno strumento a sua volta? E' uno sciocco geniale? Certamente no. Non mancano esempi di artisti di questo tipo, ma non sono la norma. L'artista allora come e dove pesca la sua arte se non riesce a razionalizzarne la visione? Il problema è nella percezione.
Se guardiamo alle biografie della maggior parte degli artisti scopriamo sempre storie personali piuttosto complesse, difficili, chi non conosce i "poeti maledetti"? Moltissimi artisti erano malati, affetti da malattie comuni e meno comuni, comunque malati; altri erano dediti all'abuso di alcool e stupefacenti, molti, moltissimi, immersi in una vita di debiti e creditori, insomma sono stati davvero pochi coloro che hanno fatto arte e ne sono usciti vivi... Questo cosa vuol dire? Sicuramente non che è necessario sbronzarsi per fare arte anche se potrebbe sembrare il contrario. In realtà nell'artista l'abuso di alcool e stupefacenti non è una causa ma un effetto, is the indicator of a man's inner suffering, because suffering is what unites many artists, suffering soul,
derived from disease, deformity, or a different one.
What does the artist of this misery? How do you turn it into art? In fact
what makes the artist is really a process of rationalization, with his work identifies his deep feeling and tries to deal with it, that's why art is a requirement of the artist. Without the process of artistic production (and thus to rationalize) the artist is overwhelmed by his feelings and in making art, the artist focuses on his feelings and free di una parte di questa sofferenza. Il problema per noi sta nel comprendere quell'arte. L'artista, infatti, razionalizza sì il suo sentire ma lo fa sempre in funzione di se stesso, l'azione di razionalizzazione deve essere significativa per lui ma il suo sentire, diverso dal nostro, lo porta a produrre opere a noi spesso non  comprensibili e che necessitano di "traduzione". Immaginiamo uno scultore cieco:  il suo percepire il mondo sarà necessariamente diverso dal nostro, le opere che produrrà saranno in funzione del suo sentire il mondo, non saremo mai in grado di comprendere le sue opere istintivamente perché ci manca la comprensione del suo percepire il mondo, tuttavia un processo di studio ed apprendimento, accurate "translation" between his feelings and ours, we will discover the art and sensibility. John, makes us part of his art
(Quote) ... has no ethical convictions because it would be an unpardonable mannerism of style
. A big thank you to his friend Henry
Rolandi which allowed the publication of some of his photos of the concert.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Barbie Strawberry Games


First impressions and pictures of John on the concert took place at the theater Tendastrisce "Rome: the" PROG EXHIBITION 2010 "on 5 and 6 November.
" I enjoyed both evenings, the ever besieged "Amantes". Of course, the event can also be read by critics as a touching reunion of old imbolsiti caryatids and zombies, but this does not apply to me, for I the "I lived in the same spirit with which he participated in various festivals in '71, ' 72, '73. And then I want the decades pass only for my birth certificate and not for me. And I can not. Unfortunately I was unable to meet with some "colleagues", for example, Joe Bishop and Tony Pagliuca, I had not seen the 70s. On the afternoon of 6 we ended up with Claudio Simonetti, Walter Martin, Victor, Francis and Rudolph Banco and we talked, without pictures ... There were people coming from Mexico (who had seen the ballet at the Baja Prog), Japan, Costa Rica, the USA, as well as half of Italy. I've been swamped with pictures, questions, requests for autographs
since the day before. I meet Charles also Massarini. What a nice, Thijs Van Leer! It 'a real crazy (crazy art, of course). And it's a very good musician. So far we had ever encountered abroad, this was the first time in Italy. A couple of anecdotes. After the performances of the Ballet and Focus in Mexico City in 2003, the public and he called me loudly on stage. We found ourselves, as members of their historical groups, having do "something". We started with jazz improvisation, voice and I all'Hammond him. Flow into a 'Besame mucho incredible, I always voice and all'Hammond him, which made the audience crazy. The other night, before going out for my show, my hands were cold and he, who was behind the scenes with me, took them lovingly in his, and if the course is
chest and holding them for some massaging minutes. It must have been a scene a bit 'funny to see. It would be a good time to photograph. Lino Then I announced and I have "jumped on stage with his hands well heated. As for the Tour, I'm sorry for that wonderful person and great musician Rodolfo, a bit 'in the second piano nel contesto del gruppo dopo i gravi problemi di salute dell'anno scorso. Francesco avrà esaurito le bestemmie per l'incazzatura di aver avuto problemi di voce proprio la sera della celebrazione del quarantennale del prog! Ma il corpo umano, ahimè, fa di questi scherzetti!..."

Friday, November 5, 2010

Inspirationalthank Yous

Riva Chanel

Legend or reality?
For some 'point was that this glaze on stainless models during the 2010-11 Chanel Cruise fashion show. Now it seems to be released or mid-November or early December, but only in Chanel boutiques and perhaps only those in Paris .... So the point but I do not ever ... but all in all just as well seen as things are going ...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ikar Bydgoszcz Bilard

A fantastic blog

Here it is:
I came across it by chance because I want to exaggerate a palette of eye shadow Cargo called Tahiti (mmm, I actually should also of Toronto at the end ... so I will not even both). But you that you can buy the beautiful Tahiti I think: I know it's summer but I really like .....

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Milena Velba K Bra Clip

Haircut of the moment ...

I am restless, I would change again, now seems to have a huge bowl on the head with this long loin, already become too long ... Behind .. then being cut without scaling seem to deflate ... so tired already ... Incidentally, I saw the
Glee series that I liked a lot and I noticed that Jayma Mays has a haircut etiquette really nice, I really like the line of the crown, I find it very 70s and very topical at the same time. Find the courage to change again?

very interesting to try the hair of the stars: # / home
http:// / hairstyles
http:// / virtual-makeover / # / celebrity-hairstyles/11727

Do You Wax Before Or After A Shower

Can You Keep A Secret?

I was kindly tagged by SaphiraBeauty so I will be able to write something new 7 revealing my secrets top secret!
SaphiraBeauty also has an interesting blog:

1) I have the culinary fads come and go: type the period zucchini, olives period, the period eggs fried in sliced \u200b\u200bbread, the period with pumpkin pie or sausage and grilled onions, roasted peanuts period, the period and brie sandwich with mortadella pistachios .... and so on. This is the time of the sauce with parmesan John Rana ... I have no words but it is divine ....

2) I love to stay in bed the morning basking in the sheets and duvet after a last night to do everything, sometimes to study or frantically put necklaces (its activities for at least a minimal entrance) ... unfortunately for my family is rightly regarded as reprehensible and I'm trying to correct me.

3) I go to often people do not like and continue to do that since the force of liberation or ...... usually people are jealous or who care only about appearances or who are too aggressive.

4) I do not like being barefoot, often even in summer I put cotton socks to sleep

5) Unfortunately, I'm alone or at least I feel very lonely because I speak out loud to myself to keep me company ... Um ... it says that the lunatics speak for themselves ..... but I'm not eh!

6) I love the gossip that people talk about private things, but often little miseries are grotesquely funny .... bad habit!

7) I love the thrill of driving fast and cosider my old Ford Fiesta adventures of a fearless companion.

The picture is not edifying but it is a picture of me sincere
am a simple person according to many ... but to me this definition is not always like that: it depends!

Tagg Esos The Hobbit and : girls tell me your secrets!