Saturday, December 18, 2010

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                 Sabato 6 Novembre 2010
Altro inchiostro, non nero ,ma candido e brillante, è stato cosparso su carta per testimoniare ancora tanta buona musica durante il Prog Exhibition al Teatro Tendastrisce di Roma. Anche dall'Inghilterra arrivano resoconti entusiasmanti. Dalle rive del Tamigi al nord dei castelli di Scozia il sound and the music of this concert was like an echo carried by the wind and it was felt by Anglo-Saxon fans, this testimony of the union began more than 40 years ago when the British Prog-Rock was greeted with great enthusiasm in our country raising groups like Genesis, Jethro Tull, Van Der Graaf Generator music in the true icons of the then named "Vanguard" or "Classic Rock". Even for VDGG they spoke of the first and perhaps only true example of "Room-Rock" (Rock Chamber). Moreover, history is written as a radio "for you young 'concentrated his lineup of songs just by giving space to the groups mentioned above emphasizing the great capacity interpretive artists such as .... Hammill P. .... P. .... J. Gabriel Anderson ...
Tendastrisce Theatre is sold out. The site, formerly belonged to the Circus Orfei, was full of fans in all of its capacity (Liana Orfei was in the audience) for the second evening of the Exhibition Prog. There are great expectations for performance artists and the public have as a reference the original versions of songs of the 70 ever recorded on vinyl, CD and in our hearts. The excessive size of the groups prog-rock is both a source of attraction and is also the weak point of the entire musical movement. Ambition and abundance can be seen in every manifestation Progressive: Renaissance, album written with extravagant, super custom logos, cryptic lyrics, riffs and constant color of the supernatural, long suite with changes of pace too casual, costumes, ethnic instruments and parts, electronics, high-tech, gas stove, black lights, strobe lights, slide with mythological figures, slides, actors, dancers ... maybe too much ... But we love it, love it all. If time has added something to live in progressive, this something is the simplicity and attention to the music. And tonight the focus is alive and pulsating.
New Registered Return Receipt strikes with its rich atmosphere of ethnic sounds in addition to symphonic settings. A memorable moment è stato l'ingresso di Thijs Van Leer che tutti ricordano come membro insieme a Jan Akkerman del gruppo olandese FOCUS. A seguire gli Osanna, un vero cocktail musicale: la loro è una vera contaminazione progressiva di rock, pop e musica popolare in particolare quella napoletana. Lino Vairetti, membro fondatore del gruppo, si avvale della collaborazione di David Jackson, straordinario sassofonista che insieme a Peter Hammill ha scritto pagine di prog memorabili quando entrambi erano parte dei Van Der Graaf Generator. Vairetti è stato in grado di proporre arrangiamenti di tutto il suo repertorio degli anni 70. Gli Osanna sono gli unici anche nel non avere ospiti speciali stranieri perchè la "guest star" tutta italiana è Gianni Leone "il talento che lives "(personal opinion of a fan, not an expert in music is something much less a music critic) and absorbing the world through his brilliant progressive approach to the keyboards and his beautiful soprano voice. Rarely, these qualities are concentrated in a single musician, and not by chance that John is an international star, and not by chance that the public's attention and assumed a religious ritual. With a glamorous look brilliant and John performed a hint of the repertoire of YS, when with Sting, and Ajello Manzari gave a new face to the group "Balletto di Bronzo." His music comes through strong and muscular keys Hammond, is tinged with jazz and rhythm melody alternating with vocal tracks of the next Osanna dando contributo e vigore alla sezione coristica. In più Gianni Leone è l'unico ad aver composto brani nuovi confermando che il suo cammino è inesauribile come la sua ispirazione. I suoi passi brillano come stelle nell'universo... in uno spazio dilaniato da profonde tenebre.  


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