Wednesday, March 4, 2009

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St. Alphonsus M. De 'Liguori (1696-1787)

was born in Naples in 1696 and died in 1787 Pagani. He graduated in 1713 in utroque iure University of Naples. He practiced the legal profession until 1823, when, defeated in a sensational trial, wore clerical garb, entered the priesthood, which he received in 1726.
He founded the Congregation of the Redemptorists. In 1762 he was elected bishop of Sant'Agata dei Goti. In 1775 he resigned and retired to Pagani among her children. E 'doctor of the church since 1871.
His literary production has had an immense fortune. His principal works are: Practice love Jesus (1768), Moral Theology (1748), Practice of confessors (1757), The glories of Mary and much more.
He stands as a guiding principle of the Christian life the universal call to holiness, each in his state. He who does not heart the desire to be holy is not a good Christian.
The practical means to attain holiness are: the mortification, the sacraments and prayer of mind. Practical real doctor wants above all to shake and enlighten consciences push for action. It offers a living religion, human, austere, but without exaggeration.
The system developed by St. Alphonsus is equally likely, wise solution in equilibrium between the laxity and rigor. He admits that a doubtful law does not require a review and you can probably follow, but added that a law is not really doubtful if not when the opinions for and against having a substantially equal probability. Alphonsus
system consists of three principles:
- The principle of truth,
- The duties of conscience can not blindly rely on the views of the moralists,
- The rights of human freedom which can be bound only by a law degree.
Alphonsus strives to save the demands of truth, while respecting the rights of conscience and principles of human freedom, taking the mean, being guided not by abstract principles, but needs that arise from the pastoral.
moral action is based primarily on the truth. The actor is always obliged to seek it. If you can not come to an absolute certainty, we must at least try to get closer to the truth as possible.
The actor does not act according to external rules and automatic, but must internalize and personalize the law. Reason and conscience, if they act under the influence of prudence, they become rules next needle.
The freedom of the person is bound only if a particular law, or by reason or dictated by divine revelation, the manifest will of God with certainty or in a manner least likely (probabilior). Only then the agent must act in good conscience surely under this law. However
throughout the morale of Alfonso the study of the specific circumstances prevail on the mechanical application of a system, just as it can be.
the original contributions to moral theology Alfonso were:
- Sends the result of his missionary work, which is to reassert, against Jansenism, that Christ is the redeemer, whose redemptive efficacy and infinite
- examined in the light of reason and under the illumination of the various opinions prudence, has built a system of principles which reflect both the demands of the Gospel, both of freedom of conscience human
- For cases of conscience stated his personal opinion, engaging in soul searching and objective truth and exploiting its unique insight, wisdom and prudence;
- For every moral problem could give a wise and appropriate response that above all not to discourage the weak, but even ardent scandal. The intent of
Alfonso was good to train pastors, confessors and spiritual directors, rather than develop a complete treatise on moral theology, but defined as "the science of sciences" and "art of arts."
He emphasized and clarified aspects of moral theology can never be disregarded. The main ones are:
- Una sapiente preoccupazione pastorale per applicare i principi generali ai casi concreti: la scienza morale benché situata su un piano speculativo e universale, ha lo scopo di regolare azioni singole e concrete;
- E’ necessario un grande equilibrio nel delimitare il lecito dall’illecito: compito al quale la Teologia morale non deve mai rinunciare, perché l’uomo che essa intende condurre alla perfezione e alla santità è pur sempre un peccatore che ha bisogni di essere delimitato.
La grandezza di Alfonso non va ricercata nella forma e organicità del disegno generale, che anzi muta dalle Institutiones morales e cioè:
- La regola degli atti umani,
- I precetti delle virtù teologali,
- I precetti del decalogo e della Chiesa,
- I precetti particolari,
- Il modo di conoscere e discernere i peccati,
- I sacramenti,
- Le censure ecclesiastiche e le irregolarità.
La sua grandezza va ricercata nella profondità e limpidezza del contenuto: in lui si avverte chiaramente l’ispirazione della più pura morale cristiana, cioè una morale intesa come pratica della carità.
La scienza morale deve essere la verità che conduce la persona umana al bene e alla salvezza alla quale è chiamata.


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